Friday, May 23, 2008


Okay so i'm very excited. I am going camping this weekend at Red River Gorge (can't spell) in Kentucky with my friends Liz and Nick. Its really nice of them to let me go, considering everyone going has someone with them...but oh well I'll have more fun this way. Its a way for me to get away from everything that is going on here, to relax, enjoy my self, and hopefully forget about not having Isabel all weekend. Hopefully all of that is possible. Keith is picking Isabel up today while I am at work, probably because he still doesnt want to see/talk to me. His choice, all of it...his choice.
On a happier note I am doing something fun, new and exciting I can't wait to go to the 'End of the World' it sounds cool and liz and nick are talking about doing repelling, on a nother trip...that will be lots of fun.
Isabel is going to the Zoo this weekend with Keith, that was a nice idea for him to think of, hopefully they will be able to spend a lot of alone time with eachother...he hasn't seen her much. But her nightmares and shaking has stopped since we moved back to the condo. I think she was just confused and all of the changes and tension was getting to her. I am trying hard not to let her see my emotions, just happiness so she is not affect her as much. Hopefully....anyways at work and need to get something done today...will write soon...


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